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a memorial against femi(ni)cide
The sculpture “Machtverkettungen”, designed by Duha Samir, depicts the pyramid of violence discussed in gender-based research and symbolizes the main causes of femi(ni)cides, the three pillars of violence – lack of gender equality policies, the deep-rooted patriarchal system and damaging gender stereotypes. The memorial presents itself differently from every perspective, as violence has many faces and forms.
The rough texture of the rusted railroad tracks is a reminder of the entrenched and stagnant system of power that is deeply rooted in society. The interwoven steel chains emphasize the need to take political action, to address the structural causes of violence against women* and promote a culture of equality and safety. They symbolize the complexity of structural contexts and address the complicity and failure of political systems and institutions to combat violence against women* and femi(ni)cides.
The memorial calls for a rethinking of the entrenched outdated patriarchal system of power and an acknowledgement of political complicity. Policy makers have a responsibility to pass appropriate legislations, provide resources, and promote preventative education and awareness. Duha Samir and Paul Papalecca's memorial ,Machtverkettungen’, is intended to draw attention to this problem and encourage discussion and change.
A project by the theater collective Hybrid “Stop Femi(ni)zide – Aktion gegen systemische Morde” within the framework of SHIFT
Artistic overall direction: Mahsa Ghafari, Alireza Daryanavard
Concept and design of the memorial: Duha Samir
Execution plan and realization of the memorial: Duha Samir, Paul Papalecca
Production: Mascha Mölkner
Press and public relations: Stella Radovan
Website and graphic design: Jakub Węgrzynowicz
A project within the framework of SHIFT Basis.Kultur.
With kind support from Berghöfer GmbH,
Cooperation partner: Zukunftshof, Aufstehnn